Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Find application Pool name from GUIDs - SharePoint 2010

Last week I was investigating an issue about Project server 2010 install on SharePoint 2010. I was looking for which application pool is used for Project server service application. As application pools are shown as GUIDs it’s hard to tell which application pool is used for which service application. These GUIDS are unique to each environment that causes some issues when troubleshooting.

So if you want to find out which App Pool in IIS is which App Pool in SharePoint run this command in SharePoint Management PowerShell 

Get-SPServiceApplicationPool | select Id, Name

Get-SPServiceApplicationPool lists all of the SharePoint application pools.

To remove one, you would just type:

Get-SPServiceApplicationPool -Identity [name of app pool] | Remove-SPServiceApplicationPool

Run each time Get-SPServiceApplicationPool to verify if it has been deleted.